分類: 學會出版品


Table of Contents
  1. 華語語言文化認知教學:結合概念結構進行租房活動練習  曾金金
    Language, Culture, and Cognitive Approach to TCSL: Introducing Conceptual Structure of Renting a Place to Pre-Task Activities by Chin-Chin Tseng
  • 摘要

In this paper, the framework of mental structure (Jackendoff 2007) is used for facilitating second language listening and speaking training. With three modes of communication, learners can work on activities which suit their needs and their language proficiency level. Combined with visual stimulus, audio sound play and meaningful learning materials which are organized into a mental conceptual structure. The analysis of the conceptual structure bringing language and culture information to the learners in a full picture. Learners can understand the renting event, containing what information structures, and what sentence patterns and vocabulary are required when expressing a certain concept. The overall design not only concern the listening and speaking activities, but also the information processing (both comprehension and expression) to second language learning.Conceptual structure can help second language learners gain meaningful units of information to store in their short-term memory. After reinforcement and repetition, information can be encoded in long-term memory. Second language speaking ability is related to motor memory, to be able to speak fluently, learners requires a great amount of meaningful practices. Practicing the same sentence pattern in different contexts and employing the memory method for music recital, one can memorize dialogues in a similar way.

  1. 商務華語教材詞彙研析:師培需求暨觀點研究  陳麗宇、李欣欣
    Lexical Analysis of Business Chinese Teaching Material: A Study in Teacher Trainees’ Needs and Perceptions by Li-Yu Chen and Cindy Hsin-Hsin Lee
  • 摘要

This study takes the viewpoints and needs of the students in a teacher training course to examine the business vocabulary in business Chinese teaching materials. It analyzes the characteristics of the lexicon of some current business Chinese textbooks. The samples were the intermediate-level business Chinese textbooks published in Mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong in the past ten years. We discuss the contents and difficulty level of the vocabulary used in the so-called intermediate business Chinese courses. The vocabulary analysis takes the view of the students in a teacher-training course and compares it with the views expressed by business college students. These views are then compared with the vocabulary list of frequently-used vocabulary of the Business Chinese Test used in Mainland China. The research results facilitate our understanding of the teacher trainees’ comprehension of business vocabulary and allow us to analyze in depth the specific weight of difficulty words and the distribution of specialty fields as contained in the current business Chinese textbooks. At the same time, this paper discusses the resources needed to educate business Chinese teacher trainees. Finally, this study raises some proposals for business Chinese teacher training and directions of business Chinese instruction. As the perception of some difficult vocabulary was due to the word-usage differences between the two sides of the Strait, this paper also provides a list of variant specialty words used in Mainland China and Taiwan as a reference for future textbook compilers.

  1. 對外漢語語法教材例句存在的問題及其對策  楊德峰
    Problems of Examples in Textbooks for Teaching Chinese as a Second Language and Countermeasures to Solve Them by De-Feng Yang


This paper analyzes the examples in the twenty grammar textbooks that have been published since the 1980s. Many problems in the examples are listed here. They include lack of context, deviation from language standards, ungrammatical, outdated contents, void of the learner’s daily life, words too hard, and other difficulties. This paper gives some countermeasures to solve the problems.

  1. 表加強否定語氣副詞「並」、「又」的語篇銜接功能  靳瑋
    A Study on the Textual Cohesive Functions of Bing and You under the Context of Emphasizing the Negative Meaning by Wei Chin
  • 摘要

This paper first uses the Rhetorical Structure Theory (RST) to study the negative sentences with you or bing which are taken from the Sinica Corpus. Bing type of negative sentences usually occurs in the rhetorical structure of transition, which brings out forwarded information of much value. You type of negative sentences usually occurs in the rhetorical structure of background, which brings out background information of less value. Next, an analysis of reason level in negative sentences with you and bing from the perspective of Idealized Cognitive Model (ICM) shows that bing takes low reason level and carries new information while you takes high reason level and carries given information.

  1. 法語編寫的華語教材在地化:以法語區中學生初級華語時貌教學為例  黃世宜
    Localization of Chinese Textbooks in French: Teaching Aspect Markers to French-Speaking Secondary-School Students as an Example by Terrier Shih-Yi Huang
  • 摘要

In some areas of Europe, such as French-speaking parts of Switzerland, Chinese language programs are not yet fully established in secondary schools because of competitive disadvantages against European language instructions. To investigate the background of the situation, this paper focuses on the teaching of elementary Chinese aspect markers ‘le’, ‘guò’, and ‘zhe’ for French speakers by a comparative analysis of Chinese teaching materials in French, local European language teaching policy in Switzerland, and European language materials in general. Advantages of European language instructions include: (1) Grammatical terms are mostly regular and formulaic. (2) Conjugation of verbal forms is the guiding principle of instructional design. Thus, it is recommended that local Chinese teachers for multiple European language speakers establish a stable and consistent teaching grammar system in favor of localization of Chinese teaching materials and instructional methods.

  1. 現代漢語「雖然」與「儘管」的語用差異  黃苕冠
    The Pragmatic Difference between “Suiran” and “Jinguan” in Modern Mandarin Chinese by Tiao-Guan Huang
  • 摘要

This paper follows Chao’s (1999) semantic analysis of old, 老 lăo, 舊jiù and employs a cognitive approach to broaden the prior analysis and be even more precise by considering the context of the English usage of old. It further highlights the notion of subjectification in the analysis of old, good old, 老 lăo②, and 舊jiù③ to see the ”good”ness in the domain of TIME and SPACE. Authentic data were drawn from the corpus data of MICASE (Michigan Corpus of Academic Spoken English), and VDN Data (聯合知識庫) to provide a coherent contrastive cognitive analysis. Moreover, translated correspondents of old, 老 lăo, 舊jiù in three popular language textbooks were also used in the pedagogical evaluation. Preliminary findings suggest that there is a lack of equivalence in the English-Chinese translated correspondents in the language textbooks, which provides a scaffolding understanding process toward old, 老 lăo, 舊jiù, and further sheds light on better implementation of pedagogical sequences.

  1. Revisiting old老舊: A Cognitive Analysis and its Pedagogical Implementation by Enya Jin-Huei Dai
    再談old老舊:認知分析及其教學實踐  戴金惠
  • 摘要

Both ”suiran” and ”jinguan” are commonly considered synonymous functions words in modem Mandarin Chinese. The researcher of this pragmatics study argues that ”suiran” and ”jinguan” are slightly different from each other as a result of grammaticalization. The subordinate clause beginning with ”suiran” or ”jinguan” expresses background information, while the main clause expresses the fact or conclusion the language user intends to assert. When the speaker or writer takes a presumption of the background information in mind and the presumption is contrary to the proposition of the main clause, ”suiran” is used to set the presumption as background information and express the contrast between the presumption and conclusion by inference. If the speaker or writer considers an objective fact as a condition and important background information of an assertion, he/she uses ”jinguan” to indicate that fact.


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  1. 以提升跨文化溝通能力為目標之寓言學習模式探究 朱我芯
    A Study of Teaching Allegory to Enhance Cross-Cultural Communication Competence by Wo-Hsin Chu
  • 摘要

Classical Chinese allegories strongly reflect the essential characteristics of Chinese culture; consequently, this study built a Chinese allegory learning module for the purpose of enhancing CSL/CFL students’ cross-cultural communication (CCC) competence. This study utilized the theoretical analysis method as a foundation from which to infer and analyze the various elements of CCC competence and the principles of teaching allegories. As well, the Delphi technique research method was utilized in collecting and analyzing the viewpoints of language teaching experts and language learners, subsequently developing this learning module’s three constructs. With regards to these three constituents, which are allegory selection, classroom activities and assignments, this study employed a cognitive procedure of sequencing Perception, Experience and Synthesis, blended with essential elements of CCC competence, in developing all components for the three constructs. For allegory selection, works which exemplified the ideology of Chinese thought, contained classical idioms were the preferred material. As pertaining to classroom activities, in addition to utilizing visual imagery to understand the stories, students were led to uncover and apply the implicit meanings and contrast their native culture with that of Chinese people. Assignments included in-character storytelling recordings, simulations of daily-life applications of the implied meanings and idioms. This learning module was evaluated empirically through actual teaching of students of varying nationalities from the Department of Chinese Language and Culture Program for International Students at National Taiwan Normal University; when analyzed for efficacy, attained target CCC competency, clearly demonstrating this learning module as quite conducive to enhancing CSL/CFL students’ CCC competence.

  1. 任務條件和寫作形式對漢語二語寫作質量和數量的影響  袁芳遠
    Impacts of Task Conditions and Writing Modes on L2 Chinese Writing by Fang-Yuan Yuan
  • 摘要

By following the theoretical framework of human’s limited processing capacity, this study examines how task conditions and writing modes influence the output of Chinese learners as a second language (L2) in the areas of fluency, complexity and accuracy. The participants were forty-two L2 Chinese learners at a North American university who were divided into three groups: control group, outline group, and sentence pattern group. The participants completed two writing tasks: narration and argumentation under one of the three task conditions. The output of the performance was measured in seven constructs in the areas of fluency, accuracy and complexity. The statistical results reveal that the outline group performed better in fluency while the sentence pattern group achieved higher scores in complexity. The participants wrote more accurately in the narrative writing but less sophisticatedly than in the argumentation writing. The results are discussed against previous studies using the information processing theory.

  1. 語言教師在課堂活動中對語法及語用的處理:口語課課堂觀察研究  李兆麟
    Language Teachers’ Treatments of Grammar and Pragmatics in Classroom Activities: An Observational Study of CSL Speaking Classes by Siu-Lun Lee
  • 摘要

In the language teaching field, there is a common belief that the purpose of language teaching and learning is not only acquiring linguistic knowledge. Teachers and learners are aiming at the ability to use the target language to communicate and express in real life environment (Li & Zhang 2010). Language teachers are looking for methods to achieve the concept of ”learning while using” and ”experience learning” (Zhao 2008). This paper uses Cantonese as a second language as a case study to discuss the relationship between grammatical correctness and pragmatic appropriateness. This paper also discusses how teachers’ beliefs affect their classroom teaching activities. The author acts as a silent observer in Cantonese classrooms in Hong Kong to observe classroom activities after observing the classroom activities, interviews are held to triangulate the result. This paper uses the classroom observation data to discuss the important links between syntactic rules and pragmatic language use.

  1. Topic Prominence and Its Pedagogical Implications by Chao Li
    漢語韻律教學:以第二語言學習者為主的肢體細胞增強方法  李朝
  • 摘要

This paper shows that although some Chinese constructions may look disparate from each other at first glance, they are actually united by the fact that Chinese is a topic-prominent language. It argues that the fact that Chinese is a topic-prominent language and English is not is an important factor that contributes to the contrast in grammaticality between the Chinese constructions and their English counterparts. The importance of topic prominence in Chinese has at least three pedagogical implications. That is, in the teaching and learning of Chinese, it is important (i) to explain to students the topic-comment structure at the earliest appropriate point, (ii) to mention and systematically discuss the notions of ”topic,” ”topic-comment,” and ”topic prominence” in the textbook, and (iii) to take into consideration the topic-prominent features when assessing students’ proficiency in Chinese.

  1. Teaching Mandarin Prosody: A Somatically-Enhanced Approach for Second Language Learners by Felicia Zhang
    漢語韻律教學:以第二語言學習者為主的肢體細胞增強方法  張箴
  • 摘要

This paper reports on an empirical study on the use of active learning techniques, the learning of Mandarin Chinese in a regional university in Australia. The active learning techniques are techniques derived from an active language learning approach known as the ‘Somatically-enhanced Approach’ to language learning. These included humming, clapping to rhythms of the language, using movement and gestures to enhance the perception of rhythmic patterns in a language. This empirical study was evaluated using a mixture of quantitative and qualitative approaches. Results showed that through acoustic analysis, students’ developed a wider voice range when speaking Mandarin than when they speak English. With a wider voice range, students taught using this approach were perceived to have better pronunciation after 30 hours of instruction by nine native speakers of Mandarin judges. Furthermore, interview data from these students suggest that active learning techniques used in this approach enabled them to develop better memory strategies for learning as well.


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  1. 臺灣華語教師之教學環境及滿意度調查:十年來之變化發展分析  信世昌、李希奇、方淑華、李郡庭、林姵君
    A Survey on the Teaching Environment and Satisfaction for L2 Chinese Teachers in Taiwan: A Developmental Analysis of Changes during the First Decade of 21st Century by Shih-Chang Hsin, Hsi-Chi Lee, Shu-Hua Fang, Chun-Ting Lee, and Pei-Jun Lin
  • 摘要

This study consists of a survey that was performed over ten years, between 2000 and 2010. It aims to present concrete data regarding Chinese teachers’ views on and satisfaction with Taiwan’s Chinese teaching environment at university language training centers and private language schools. Three questionnaire surveys were conducted in 2000, 2005 and 2010. The purpose of these surveys is to compare changes in the teaching environment over time and provide a record of Taiwan’s Chinese as a second language teachers’ situation at the beginning of the 21st century.The results show that these Chinese teachers were most satisfied with the various aspect of their working environment in 2005, but their satisfaction rate showed a general decrease in 2010. This indicates that the working environment in Taiwan’s Chinese language centers has made little progress during the last 5 years. This problem is worthy of further study and is in need of improvement.

  1. 句型操練和體演文化  廖灝翔
    Drill Practice and Performed Culture Approach by Hao-Hsiang Liao
  • 摘要
    「句型操練」(Drill)和「體演文化」(Performed Culture Approach)是當前美國對外漢語教學課堂常見的兩種教學法。句型操練透過節奏和糾錯,讓學生在課堂裏得到大量的聽說練習。句型操練課「準確」和「流利」並重,前者指的是學生的語音、聲調及語法,而流利則是建立在準確的基礎上,學生不可因求快而犧牲發音,錯置聲調,語法紊亂。體演文化同樣也是「準確」和「流利」並重,但其更強調學生說話應對在中國文化中交際情況的得體性(cultural appropriateness)。換句話說,除了語法、聲調和語音外,學生必須知道在什麼場合該說什麼話、不該說什麼話,才顯得有教養、具文化,而不至擦槍走火,冒犯到中國人。本文裹,筆者將以個人的經驗,探討這兩種教學法的異同,並提供兩個教案,示範備課時的重點,希望藉此拋磚引玉,為兩種教學法建立彼此對話的可能性。

This paper investigates the similarities and differences between the Drill Approach and the Performed Culture Approach, two classroom activities widely used in the United States in the field of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language. Under the drill approach, the teacher focuses on students’ pronunciation, intonation, tones and use of speech patterns by means of teacher-directed substitution and choral drilling. As a teacher ”conducts” their class, students receive a substantial amount of listening as well as speaking practice, and gradually develop their language fluency. While the Performed Culture Approach also emphasizes students’ accuracy of linguistic forms, it extends its focus to cultural appropriateness. Students of the Performed Culture Approach are expected not only to accurately articulate the target language but also to behave in a culturally appropriate way. In other words, cultural appropriateness is as important as language accuracy. Therefore, the goal of a teacher in a Performed Culture class is to help students develop cultural as well as linguistic situated knowledge, which can help them avoid cultural misunderstandings. It is hoped that by discussing the strengths and weaknesses of each approach, a dialogue between the two can be established.

  1. Implementing History and Memory in an Advanced Content-Based Chinese Class: What, How and Why in “Chinese History through Cinema and Cross-talk” by Enya Jin-Huei Dai
    注入歷史與記憶的新元素-高級漢語《看電影說相聲話中國近代史》  戴金惠
  • 摘要

This paper documents the significance and relevance of history and memory in a foreign language classroom at the graduate level, taking the course ”Chinese History through Cinema and Cross-talk” as an example. The author employed a cognitive approach to design and select authentic materials targeted at graduate students majoring in international studies. Learners were asked to participate in a weekly two-hour traditional classroom discussion and performance section, an individualized timeslot for language practice, a Friday movie club or cross-talk performance, a class blog for commenting and reporting, and a reflective blog for developing and documenting cultural and learning awareness. Learning materials related to seven major Chinese historical periods were chosen in order to better showcase modern Chinese history and Chinese cultural mindsets. Each historical period was supported with media clips and authentic reading materials that students obtained from a secured learning management system. To emphasize the importance of history and memory, the class invited speakers to use audio recording to discuss the Chinese Cultural Revolution. Both native and non-native speakers of Chinese listened to these recordings. After listening to the recordings participants split into groups composed of one native and two non-native speakers, and discussed their impressions of the recordings.

  1. Implicit/Explicit Instruction Effects and Cross-linguistic Influence in the Second Language Acquisition of Chinese by Chiu-Hung Chen
    內隱/外顯教學和跨語言遷徙對華語為第二語言習得的影響  陳秋宏
  • 摘要

This study investigates the effects of implicit and explicit instruction on native English speaker’s acquisition of Chinese as a second language. Specifically, it addresses the following questions: 1) Will target structures similar to those in the learner’s first language (L1) be learned better with implicit instruction? 2) Will target structures different from those in the learner’s L1 be learned better with explicit instruction? Thirty-six college students who were beginner learners of Chinese participated in the experiment. They were randomly assigned to two experimental groups: the implicit group (without grammar instruction) and the explicit group (with grammar instruction). The target structures taught to the students included negation markers (with the same head/branching direction as in the participants’ native language (L1)) and time adverbs (with the opposite head/branching direction of the participants’ L1). The results showed no significant differences between the two groups in the acquisition of negation markers. However, the explicit group performed significantly better than the implicit group in the acquisition of time adverbs.


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  1. 網路科技與參與學習:三種網路工具在中文教學中的作用  靳洪剛、路聖潔
    Participatory Learning and Internet Technology: The Use of Three Web Tools in TCFL by Hong-Gang Jin and Sheng-Jie Lu
  • 摘要

This study explores Chinese language learning and instruction in a technology-rich, collaborative and participatory learning environment. Specifically, we compared and analyzed three types of participatory web tools for learning Chinese as a foreign language (CFL) in order to understand each tool’s participatory functions, interactive features and impact on target language use. The study involved 21 U.S. undergraduate students who are learners of CFL. The three participatory web tools studied were discussion boards, blogs, and Skype.This study contributes to the field of technology-assisted language education and to the teaching CFL in four ways: (1) by providing evidence that the use of participatory web tools promotes participatory learning and authentic interaction; (2) by showing that if the pedagogical design is sound and the use of technology is appropriate, participatory learning that has been facilitated by participatory web tools increases learners’ target language use; (3) by developing six standards for evaluating the degree of participation and interaction induced by different web tools; and (4) by establishing a system to measure the degree of participation and interactivity induced by web tools used in second language instruction.

  1. 從「依」、「據」與「依據」談華語近義詞教學  吳佩晏、鄭縈
    Near Synonyms in Teaching Chinese as Second Language: A Case study to “yī”, “jù”, and “yījù” by Pei-Yen Wu and Ying Cheng
  • 摘要
    In this paper we investigate the distributional differences in semantic and syntactic patterns of Chinese near-synonyms ”依(yī)”, ”據(jù)”, and ”依據(yījù)” based on the data from ”Academia Sinica Balanced Corpus of Modern Mandarin Chinese” ( Sinica Corpus ) and the sense distinction of Chinese WordNet. It has been observed that ”依(yī)”, ”據(jù)”, and ”依據(yījù)” are near-synonyms , but they have different syntactic distributions or collocations. Our analysis provides frequency-based teaching ordering, from high frequency (依) to low frequency (依據), from high sense frequency to low sense frequency, which will help Chinese second language learners to distinguish these three near-synonyms with efficiency
  1. 漢語語序的語法意義在對外漢語語法教學中的實際應用  何寶璋
    The Application of Positional Meaning in Chinese Syntax to Pedagogical Grammar of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language by Bao-Zhang He
  • 摘要

Teaching Chinese as a second/foreign language can benefit greatly from research results of Chinese linguistics, to make the teaching more efficiently and purposefully. However, there are gaps between the two. Consequently, the results of linguistic research are left untouched and from which the teaching Chinese as a foreign language is not gaining anything. This short paper is to demonstrate, by using example of positional meaning in Chinese syntax, how research results of Chinese linguistics can be applied to the teaching Chinese as a foreign language so as to shorten the distance between the two fields, to let the teaching Chinese as a second language benefit from linguistic research, and to help both the young teachers who are teaching foreigners learning Chinese and those who are in school readying themselves to get into the field.

  1. 走入主流:美國大學先修(AP)中文考試2007-2010結果分析  陳雅芬
    Going Mainstream: An Analysis of 2007-2010 AP Chinese Exam Results by Yea-Fen
  • 摘要

As China has gained prominence in the global arena as an economic, political, and military power, the study of Chinese has become increasingly popular. In response, the College Board of the United States launched the Advanced Placement (AP) Chinese Language and Culture Course and Exam, further driving high school students’ interest in learning Chinese and raising the status of Chinese in mainstream American society. It has been more than four years since the implementation of the first AP Chinese courses in fall 2006 and the AP Chinese Exam in spring 2007, but discussion about the AP Chinese Language and Culture Course and Exam and its influence is still taking place. This paper will analyze data released by the College Board regarding the number, demographics, and scores of the AP Chinese examinees over the last four years, and compare the results from the AP Chinese Exam and AP exams in other world languages (French, German, Italian, Japanese and Spanish) , focusing in particular on the AP Japanese Exam and AP Spanish Exam. Finally the author will explore the positive and negative impacts the AP Chinese Exam has had on Chinese language education in the United States.


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  1. 對外漢語聲調教學之現狀與教學法  刑志群
    Tone Pedagogy and Acquisition in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language by Janet Zhiqun Xing
  • 摘要

This study investigates the current popular methodologies used for teaching Chinese tones to non-native speakers, particularly English native speakers. Contrastive analysis is used to show that the difficulty in acquiring Chinese tones arises from two types of interference: interference between tones and intonations, and interference between Chinese intonations and those of the students’ native language. Evidence from this study suggests that the best way to help students learn tones is to teach phrasal / sentential tones and intonation, rather than individual tones.

  1. 詞義成分在TCSL的分析與應用-從「吃麥當勞」談起  許長謨
    Semantic Components and Their Analysis and Application in TCSL-Taking “Eating McDonald’s” as an Example by Chang-Mo Hsu
  • 摘要
    語言中的語義問題常依附在語音或構詞語法中呈現,形成語言的結構關係(Structuralism)。對外華語教學的學習者多屬成年的外國人,溝通時比較重視語義的正確性。由於學習者的音韻、語法能力薄淺,直接影響到對語(詞)義的領會,而其隨機或積蓄而迸發的語義問題往往或因跳脫教學者母語的構詞與語用習性,致教學者措手不及;或因平日習焉不察的問題在教學當場提問,而使教師難以第一時間回應。因此,華語教師須有一定的認知。在詞義的基本分析時,音韻問題一確立,就須直接面對構詞或語法的橫向組合(Syntagmatic)關係,先由上下語境(Co-text)確立語感的正確度,再縱向的嘗試其他的聚合(Paradigmatic)關係,以確認相似詞的正確度。後設檢驗中,符號學三角形(Triangle of Semiology)中「Word(Symbol)- Thought(Concept)- Thing(Referent)」的遞延關係是個分析原則。但在延伸應用或舉例時,使用語意成分(Semantic Components)的析離及上下義位的檢竅,或傳統語義學同義詞或反義詞等觀念做對比來檢驗語義的合宜度,都可以增進教學時對華語詞義的確認。本論文意圖利用幾個實際有效的角度,以實際教學為例,探討語義學(Semantics)的分析與應用。由於範圍過大,因此擬從「我們去吃麥當勞」一句漸漸通行的話語談起,舉用引出相關的教學原理,進以語義學理論論析如何輔助對外華語之教學。

Problems with semantics are often related to phonetic and syntactic issues, and reveal the nature of the structure of language. Most learners of Chinese as a second language are foreign adults, for whom accurate meaning is very important, but whose insufficient phonological and syntactic competence obstructs comprehension. However, their semantics-related questions during class are often impossible for teachers to answer using only their native speaker intuition. As a result, common but easily-missed problems frequently baffle first-time instructors. Therefore, an effective Chinese language teacher should possess some understanding of semantics.At the basic level of semantic analysis, once phonological problems are established, the cross-sectional syntagmatic relationship between morphology and syntax must be directly confronted. First, context must be used to determine the accuracy of one’s language intuition, and then other paradigmatic relationships must be tested longitudinally to confirm the accuracy of similar words. The ”Word (Symbol) – Thought (Concept) – Thing (Referent)” relationship of the Triangle of Semiology is an important analytical principle for attaining a proper understanding. However, while extending its application, we must use semantic components to examine the hyponymy, or the synonyms, polysemy and antonyms in classical semantics, and compare the appropriate usage. This can enhance the effectiveness of Chinese teaching.This paper attempts to use pedagogy as an example, and from several realistic perspectives explores the analysis and application of semantics. In order to narrow the scope of this study, we begin with the example sentence ”Eating McDonald’s” to elicit relevant pedagogical principles, and expound on ways for semantic theories to support the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language.

  1. 漢語動詞「生」的語意發展  曹逢甫、 陳菘霖
    The Semantic Development of the Chinese Verb “Sheng” by Feng-Fu Tsao and Sung-Lin Chen
  • 摘要

This article analyzes the Chinese verb ”sheng” by using the concept of embodied cognition, and utilizing the SUMO ontology framework. The results show that the semantic core of sheng, the verb sheng 1, refers to human reproduction and therefore originates from human behavior. From this core the word developed in three main directions. Sheng 2 developed through metaphorical generalization to refer to the birth of animals or plants, or the beginning of an event. Sheng 3 developed the meaning ”to be alive” through sheng 1’s meaning of reproduction. Finally, sheng 4, which expresses a person or thing’s lack of understanding of or unfamiliarity with another person, place or situation, developed from the concept of leaving a mother’s womb and entering an unfamiliar world.

  1. 華語近義詞辨識難易度與學習策略初探  蔡美智
    Preliminary Study on Strategies for Learning Near-Synonyms in TCSL by Mei-Chih Tsai
  • 摘要

Language learning at intermediate or high levels is mainly a matter of mastering vocabulary. According to Zu (1999), the use of near-synonyms is a major problem for learners at these levels. This study uses questionnaires to test how well intermediate and advanced CSL students can distinguish synonymous verbs, nouns, adjectives and adverbs. The error frequency in these questionnaires is used to evaluate the difficulty of distinguishing pairs of synonyms. Learning and teaching strategies are also discussed.

  1. 漢語的動詞刪略句與英漢對比分析  魏廷冀
    VP-ellipsis in Mandarin Chinese: A Comparative Analysis by Ting-Chi Wei
  • 摘要

This paper analyzes the focus structure of sentences with verb phrase ellipsis in Mandarin Chinese, and also contrasts ellipsis in English and Mandarin Chinese. Some pedagogical suggestions on the instruction of Mandarin VP-ellipsis are offered on the basis of these findings.

  1. 華語拒絕請求的策略分析:語體與語境的作用  謝佳玲
    An Analysis of Strategies for Refusing Requests in Chinese: Stylistic an Contextual Factors by Chia-Ling Hsieh
  • 摘要

This study classifies Chinese refusals and examines their usage in particular styles and contexts. The refusals examined were in response to real-life request. The language data is drawn from telephone and email conversations between Taiwanese university students and research assistants. The results show that refusals tend to be explicit, and consist of a refusal and an impeding factor. In refusals made over the telephone these two components do not appear in a fixed order, and are occasionally replaced by indirect refusal strategies. In email the impeding factor often precedes the refusal, and politeness strategies such as gratitude and apology appear more often. These differences reflect the contrast between the styles of spoken and written communication. The nature of the request also affects the refusal. Internal impeding factors are often given in response to requests involving mental labor, while external impeding factors are given in response to requests that involve physical labor. The study’s conclusion explains the interaction between language, style and context, and provides examples that link pragmatic analysis and Chinese language teaching.